Managing shared data in the modern enterprise

Businesses, to make decisions, need to rely on data. 

In today’s world, it is essential for companies (and individual business units) to have access to correct data, however, managing a large amount of data from different sources is becoming increasingly difficult.


In fact, their gathering must be done in a precise way, and data handlers must ensure their accuracy and cross-channel usability. 

However, the control and validation of the data very often is manual, and even today, many data that are essential for the functioning of a company come from paper documents or PDFs manually inserted into databases.

In addition, reporting activities are on a high-effort basis and often the production of documentation is required in a short time frame.


Often this data is distributed throughout the organization in different data repositories and formats. 

Extracting, cleaning, and getting this data ready for analysis can be time-consuming, decreasing the team’s ability to respond to new business opportunities or solve urgent problems quickly.

On average, 19 hours a week are spent processing data. Data scientists spend up to 24.6 hours trying to gain access to data each week, followed by data engineers with 19.1 hours. 

Automation saves up to 70 % of the cost of processing needed to run our business.



Data management automation 

Our automation product, Claudio, intervenes to support data management and information sharing. 



By automating a variety of activities, including:


  • Automatically updating the most significant data from forms or emails,
  • Cross-checking activities of delicate information with respect to publicly available data (Exchange Rates, Discount Rates etc.),
  • Data alignment across different management systems.
  • Report generation, content analysis and email delivery to the correct recipients.


With our technology, multiple benefits can be achieved:

  • Guaranteed access to up-to-date and correct data at all times;
  • Extraction of data from almost any format;
  • Minimized manual operation of data management;
  • Savings in budget;
  • Increased team productivity.


In conclusion, it is clear that the use of automation can save time and improve data accuracy, making it essential for those involved in data management in the enterprise. Indeed, the latter are able to focus on high value-added activities, benefiting the entire organization to a greater extent as well



A focus on Claudio

Claudio is the tool we built to make automation accessible. Thanks to our platform, in fact, anyone acquires the ability to generate automation processes

in an independent way. 

Claudio is completely NO-CODE: it requires no technical skills and can be used not only by technicians or IT experts, but by anyone: starting from a previously created flow or designing a new one in just a few clicks.