Our intelligent automation platform enables you to reduce the load of repetitive and tedious work, reducing human error and making room for high value-added tasks.
Starting Features
- Check which flows are running and their status;
- Easily change the data you see by last week, month, or year;
- Check your plan and it’s data.


Connect the apps you use in your everyday work life, it’s as simple as inserting a username and password or just clicking a button.
We spend time daily working hard to add new integrations to provide a comprehensive offering. If you use a niche app or simply can’t find the integration in the catalog, write to us!
All setted up? Just go to the flow section and start automating!
Imagine and create the perfect flow thanks to a user friendly interface, intuitive set-up and extreme operational flexibility.
Design processes that better suit your organization and that can better serve your growth!

Build it your way
With the operations offered by the platform, you can completely manage your process: from data changes to logic management, you have no-code and intuitive features to create your automation.
Edit Data

Edit text, perform mathematical operations, and convert data to the format needed.
Create Structure

Manipulate data structures such as lists and objects: filter, join, and combine data structures more complex than a simple text field.
Manage logic

All the tools you need to create your process logic, in a graphical, no-code manner.
Advanced features
Normal features are not enough for you and you want to tackle automation at an advanced level? These features might be for you: all of our automations easily integrate with RPA robots and AI algorithms.
Robotic Process Automation
Where we don’t get with API integration, we get with RPA integration: we develop custom robots to take data and perform operations by simulating a user’s operation within one or more applications. For the program, it will be just as if there were a person behind the screen performing the operations.

Artificial Intelligence
Our platform easily integrates with AI tools to perform automatic tasks such as recognizing data within documents, classifying data or writing text.
We have established a network of partners that allows both ready-to-use tools and the ability to develop ad hoc algorithms according to the needs of your company.
Enterprise features
We have a dedicated offering for large companies with the ability to install the entire platform at your systems, manage enterprise organizational structures and unlimited scalability.
Custom platform installation
We can install the entire platform On Premise or Private Cloud platform so that the automations run in your cluster of preference. This way our platform will also be able to integrate all those apps and platforms that you want to automate but cannot be exposed externally.